Royal Pack, we preserve freshness!

What is vacuum packing?

What is vacuum packing? is the section of our site where we try to explain in a simple and intuitive way the usefulness of vacuum preservation and how it can be achieved.

To put it simply, vacuum preservation involves removing air from a container, whether rigid or flexible, to increase the shelf life of a food.


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Why vacuum pack?

Vacuum-packing food means preventing it from spoiling upon contact with air. In fact, in the absence of air, most microorganisms cannot develop.

Vacuum preservation is done using special bags or containers in which to insert the food. Subsequently, with specific suction and welding machines, the air inside the container or bag is eliminated. In this way, by eliminating the air, the preservation process is activated.

This allows you to greatly increase the shelf life of food. In addition, vacuum storage allows you to limit the oxidation processes that cause food to change appearance a few hours after its preparation.

Using special vacuum and welding machines, it is possible to eliminate air from bags or wrappers to obtain a vacuum.

At the same time, the machines seal the container or bag, preventing air from entering again.

Despite this, there are microorganisms that can reproduce even in the absence of air. Vacuum preservation achieves the best results in terms of duration if combined with other methods, such as freezing or sterilization.


Advantages of vacuum storage

The advantages of using vacuum bags and rolls to preserve food are many. Below we list the main aspects that make the use of these techniques convenient:

  • longer food shelf life
  • possibility of moving the moment of consumption in time with respect to the moment of purchase
  • preservation of the original fragrances and odors of foods compared to traditional techniques
  • possibility of further extending the shelf life of foods if combined with other preservation methods
  • food waste is avoided, a very important social objective with obvious implications in terms of savings on daily spending
  • greater efficiency in home preparations. It is no longer necessary to weigh to the gram what to cook because, in the case of large portions, it is always possible to store the excess food while preserving its original quality


To achieve these goals, you need to follow some simple rules:

  1. use quality vacuum bags and rolls, with adequate thicknesses to allow for long-term food preservation. ROYAL PACK brand products are leaders in this and offer high quality in many product and packaging formats
  2. use good quality, easy to maintain vacuum and welding machines. In our shop you will find a selection of machines of proven effectiveness and quality.

Precautions when vacuum packing food

When vacuum packing foods, there are some simple guidelines to follow.

These tips are valid for both home and professional use.

Arranging food in packages helps to achieve better preservation.

It's important prevent the creation of “air pockets” between one food and another or between the food and the bottom of the package. In fact, this helps to obtain a vacuum level close to 100%.

You have to be careful Do not let the vacuum machine suck up liquids. Dry the food thoroughly with absorbent paper before placing it in the bag. Products rich in water or bloody cannot be vacuum-packed with external suction machines because the liquids would immediately ruin the suction pump. Professional external suction machines can partially limit this problem. To vacuum seal liquids, you need to use bell vacuum machines.

The packages must be carefully stored in suitable places, not in direct contact with sunlight and dry, with little humidity.

It is prudent to always check that the sealing made on the packaging is resistant.. Just pull the two edges of the bag about thirty seconds after the end of the sealing (to allow it to cool and adhere) with a light force. The bag will not break and will not open if the sealing is resistant.

Royal Pack vacuum bags can be reused. Just clean them properly after use and re-vacuum them.